Spinal Flow


What is Spinal Flow?

Spinal Flow is based on the 7 gateways of the spine and 33 access points, which facilitates healing via the nervous system.  It is a gentle technique that releases physical, chemical & emotional stress stored in the spine, allowing your body to rejuvenate your health.

The Spinal Flow approach to better health is to detect, reduce and help prevent nervous system blockages and create more ease in the body.  When your nervous system is healthy and communication is flowing freely, your body’s ability to heal is enhanced.  Your body’s capacity to heal is far more potent than most people are ever led to believe.


Spinal Flow consists of light touches on the cranium, sacrum and spine without manipulation, popping or cracking. Blockages begin to dissolve and the nervous system begins to restore itself from a ‘stress zone’ to a ‘healing zone’. Only then can the body really begin to heal.

Suitable for babies, children and adults, with people often reporting improvements in:

Anxiety, depression, thyroid issues, weight gain, aches and pains around the body, insomnia and sleep issues, high/low blood pressure, back pain, fibromyalgia, digestive issues, hormone/reproductive issues, migraines, fatigue and a lot more.

How long does it take to heal?

Spinal Flow results vary from person to person.  Some clients enjoy immediate results. Others find that their recovery takes several weeks, months or longer. Children often respond quickly, while adults with longstanding health problems heal more slowly. Once you understand true health, you may want some type of ongoing spinal flow care.  Like brushing your teeth, eating wholesome foods and other healthy habits, regular spinal flow check-ups can assist to maintain high standards of physical and emotional health.  How long you decide to benefit from spinal flow is always up to you.

3 Stages of Spinal Flow Care

Initial Intensive Care

This is where most people begin their Spinal Flow care. Visits will be frequent, depending upon the severity of your condition.  The primary focus is to reduce or eliminate your most obvious symptoms.

Corrective Care

When your obvious symptoms diminish, the objective is to stabilise spinal function and promote a more complete healing.

Wellness Care

With the maximum restoration of spinal function, many clients enjoy regular Spinal Flow care.  This type of wellness care can save time or money by keeping minor problems from becoming more serious.

What you can do to help healing

Eat well

Eat foods that are fresh, pure and as varied as possible.  A diet full  of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and good fats and protein will give your body the nutrients and building blocks you need to heal and be as healthy as you can.  I recommend eating organic foods where possible and keeping gluten and dairy to a minimum as they are hard for your body to digest.


It can often take time to heal and repair damaged body tissues.  Be gentle with your body and avoid activities that you find stressful or uncomfortable.  Be particularly careful lifting objects (bend and use your legs) and reduce twisting your spine on top of your pelvis.  You should only sleep on your side or back and it's essential for your curvature in your neck that you use a contoured pillow.


Without distressing your body, move as much as you can.  This will help your muscles, ligaments, bones and joints to heal more quickly and fully.  We are not designed to sit at a computer all day, please move and stretch every 10 minutes when sitting at a computer.

Your First Session

You may feel great after today or you may feel slightly achy or you may not feel differently at all. All of these responses are normal and expected. If you don't feel different, don’t get upset, it's okay if it takes time. It is the same when we put on braces, to straighten our teeth – they don’t become straight immediately – it takes time to make permanent change. Our goal is to restore your health and get rid of your symptoms. This takes time, there will be periods of highs and lows – stick with it as overall we are moving in the direction of good health.


Drink at least 1.5 litres of water in the next 5 hours.

Your body has released a lot of toxins in your session, this needs to be released via water.  If you don’t drink enough water, you may feel queasy.  Walk for 5 minutes after your session.  You have been lying on blocks to balance your sacrum, your body needs time to adjust to this new position.  Avoid toxins for as long as you can – these include alcohol, tobacco, drugs and caffeine.

If you have any concerns or worries or reactions that you are unsure of, please call or message me ASAP so that we can discuss.  It is much easier to be able to talk to someone about your concerns rather than doing Google searches.  I am very excited to join you on your journey towards greater health

  • Initial consultation  60/75 mins - $110
  • 45mins - $70 second consultation and ongoing

Please watch this video before your appointment:

https://youtu.be/dAW17Kz5XnY?si=G3Y5E69Vk_4nPwWH (Click on the link or copy and paste the link into your web browser)